What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back and Make Him Love You Again

What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back and Make Him Love You Again

What to say to get your ex boyfriend back? If you’re asking this question now chances are that you want to get back together with him. There are specific things to say to win him back. The moment most women realize that there are specific things to say to win back their ex, they wrongly conclude concerning what those words are. Perhaps you may think that telling him that it’s impossible for you to move on without him or that he would always be a most special person in your life will help you get him back. Saying this could do more harm than good to your relationship. You must understand that men view breakup differently from women. So what do you say to get your ex boyfriend back? Continue reading to find out.

The first thing to say to get your ex boyfriend back is “I’m sorry”. You may think it’s not necessary, but it’s. In fact, it’s the very first step you should take in order to get him back. Most women sit back and wait for their ex to apologize first. The fact is that the breakup was as a result of something both of you did wrong in the relationship, and the earlier you realize this, the better. Stop blaming him for what went wrong, but rather accept your mistakes and apologize. One of the reasons breakup happens is because none of the parties claim to be at fault. Telling him that you are sorry shows that you are mature and willing to do things right if given a second chance. However, don’t launch into a long and drawn out monologue, simply say “I’m sorry” and that is it.

Another thing to say to get your ex boyfriend back is to tell him that the breakup was a good idea. Tell him you are fine with the breakup and that you think you both need space. This seems impossible for you to do, right? This is because he is the one that doesn’t want you and you’re trying to make him change his decision. Pay attention now, if you continue acting needy and pushy, you may end up losing him for good. What you must understand is that men view relationship differently from women. The fact is that men always want what they can’t get, and so telling him that you are fine with the breakup makes you a challenge and definitely irresistible. This is the reason you must be courageous to tell him that you’re fine with the breakup. Don’t cry when you are telling him but rather smile. Give him space for sometime after telling him this. It won’t be long before he would come crawling back to you to take him back because he has now found you irresistible since you no longer want him.

Now listen carefully-

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Does My Ex Boyfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

Does My Ex Boyfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

“Does my ex boyfriend still love me?” This question really bothers you, doesn’t it? You still love him, he means the world to you and you aren’t sure if he is on the same page as you are regarding getting back together. The worst mistake you could ever make is to conclude wrongly that he still loves you when he doesn’t. There are actually some signs your ex boyfriend still loves you that will give you a glimpse into how he feels about you.

Staying in Contact

One of the signs that your ex boyfriend still loves you is if he still stays in contact. If he has contacted you since the breakup, then this is a sure sign that he is not over you. It doesn’t matter if it was just a short phone call to know if you are okay; it still indicates that he still has feelings for you. The fact that he made contact with you implies that you still have a chance to get back together. It’s now left for you to make the next move.


Has your ex boyfriend been asking mutual friends about you? If he ask mutual friends about your whereabouts or how you are doing, you can be sure that the answer to your question “does my ex boyfriend still love me” is likely “yes”. The fact is that he won’t be interested in knowing how you are doing if he has moved. He is probably asking to know if you are dating someone else now, and to know if he still has a chance to get you back.


If your ex boyfriend hasn’t started dating yet, you can be sure that he is still finding it difficult to let you go. The fact that he hasn’t dated another girl since the breakup shows that he still loves you, and hoping that you both will reunite someday.

However, if he jumps into a new relationship immediately after the breakup, don’t worry. This is definitely a rebound relationship, and it has been proven that most rebound relationship fail. He is probably dating another girl in order to take his mind off the breakup. If he has started dating, you must be patient. Don’t make the mistake of begging and crying to him to take you back, this will simply do more harm than good to the situation.

Push and Pull

Does your ex boyfriend push you away and pull you closer after a while? If he pushes you away and pulls you closer in a short time, you can be convinced that the answer to your question “does my ex boyfriend still love me” is certainly “yes”. This may actually confuse you, but you shouldn’t let it weigh you down because it’s a good sign. This simply implies that he isn’t sure if he wants to reunite or not. The good sign is that he will definitely come back to you once he has given into his heart.

“Does my ex boyfriend still love me?” If he shows one or more of the signs above, you can be pretty certain that he still has strong feelings for you. However, the list is inexhaustible and these are only a few signs. The fact that your ex boyfriend shows one or more of these signs doesn’t automatically indicate that getting him back will be a walk in the park. There are certain issues that led to the breakup in the first place and until you deal with them, getting back together might be easier said than done.

Bad mistake could do more harm than good to your relationship. For more insightful tips about how to win back your ex boyfriend and keep him for good, visit this informative site!

You don’t have to leave love to fate or chance. If you want to reunite with your ex, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Click here to find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

Is Having Sex with Your Ex Boyfriend Going to Help You Win Him Back

Is Having Sex with Your Ex Boyfriend Going to Help You Win Him Back

“Should you have sex with your ex boyfriend?” If you are asking this question, chances are that you think that by having sex with him you will be able to rekindle his love for you again. However, you must reconsider you decision to avoid making a wrong move. Once women have sex with their ex, they normally feel that they are back together with their ex; however this isn’t the case for men. You must understand that men think differently when it comes to relationship. Is having sex with your ex going to help you win him back? Continue reading to find out.

First, it’s important to note that men value what is rare. In other words, the things that men work for are the only things that are important to them. This simply means that a man will commit to a woman he feels is rare. Therefore, if you make yourself special, valuable and rare, your ex will become committed to you. That is why you must not sleep with him until you both have reunited. This doesn’t mean you have to “pressure” him to reunite. The idea of getting back together must be his. At the same time, you must avoid having sex with him.

Secondly, not having sex with your ex boyfriend will help to occupy more of his “mind space.” He is going to be mindful of you. Even more important is the fact that, it’s going to make him want to work to sleep with you, and thus making him commit to you. Therefore, the longer you abstain from having sex with him, the more he will long to sleep with you and thus making him commit.

In addition, choosing not to have sex with your ex boyfriend will increase respect for you. Your ex is never going to respect you if you sleep with him. In fact, you will never be able to win him back if you do this. He is going to think that you both are having pleasure and nothing more than that. Don’t be surprised if he introduces someone else to you as his girlfriend someday. After all, you are not his girlfriend but just friends with benefit.

Also, not having sex with your ex boyfriend will make the process of reconciliation faster. As far as I know, getting your ex back after sex may be impossible. Why is that so? Won’t love making help to rekindle his love for you again? Well, sex is a wrong foundation for building love upon. In fact, he is going to lose interest in you. However, if you do not give in to sex, this will keep his desire for you piqued. When this happens, reconciliation becomes faster.

However, in a situation whereby things are going on well between the two of you and you’re refusing to have sex with him, he will ask you why? You do not want to tell him that you’re “holding out for reconciliation,” but rather you should let him know that “You don’t indulge in casual sex anymore.”

After all has been said, it is evident that having sex with your ex will ruin your chances of getting back together with him. Therefore, you must never have sex with your ex no matter how much you still love him and want him back.

Bad mistake could do more harm than good to your relationship. For more insightful tips about how to win back your ex boyfriend and keep him for good, visit this informative site!

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms, especially if you are the only one trying… Click here to find out more.

The Key to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He Just Wants To Be Friends

The Key to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He Just Wants To Be Friends

So you want to get your ex boyfriend back when he just wants to be friends? You still have strong feelings for him and want to win him back, right? If he tells you that he is not interested in a love relationship anymore but wants to be friends, you might want to turn him down at first. However, keeping him as friends will help you win back his heart. I understand that going from being his girlfriend to just friends is easier said than done, but it will help you win him back. You might feel that you will end up losing him for good, but it may not be so. Being friends with your ex boyfriend is a strategy to make him fall in love with you again.

Despite the fact that you might be able to get back your ex boyfriend by being his friend, you need to change your mindset towards the relationship. This is because the unforeseen is bound to happen. Most times, after a breakup, the man doesn’t want to have anything to do with the woman. However, being friends with him will keep the lines of communication open. You’ll be able to know his whereabouts and plans. Being friends with him will make you close to him even after the breakup and he will be free to share certain things that are happening in his life with you. You’re going to be like a trusted friend to him. This is going to give you an opportunity to know him better, and you will still be his most trusted friend when you both eventually reunite. True friendship is the basis for a lasting relationship.

The fact that he still wants to be friends with you show that he is not over you yet! So, you can capitalize on this, and work towards becoming his girlfriend again. However, his wanting to be friends with you might be for his own self-centered reasons. He might want to be friends with you so that you can feel better and not think of dating another guy. Therefore, you must take caution and avoid being too pestering. Don’t be always involved in his life, or else he is going to take you for granted. If he shares a problem with you, pay attention, but don’t render any solution. The last thing you want to do is to give him advice, because he might end up blaming you if it goes wrong.

Another way to get your ex boyfriend back when he just wants to be friends is to avoid saying negative things about his dating status. If he tells you about a new found love he recently met, don’t be weighed down but rather wish him the best. Also, if he tells you about a relationship that didn’t work don’t appear excited and try to go over to console him. Simply pay attention and  ensure you don’t react to it.

Mean while, trying to get your ex boyfriend back when he just wants to be friends is easier said than done. You’re going to be hoping for the day he will change his mind and decide to take you back as his girlfriend. This requires so much patient and courage on your part; however, if he means the world to you, it’s definitely worth it.

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The best guide on how to Get Back Your Ex

Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back In My Arms and Make Him Love Me Again

Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back In My Arms and Make Him Love Me Again

“Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back?” This is common question asked by women who have been dumped by someone they love. You never believed the relationship would come to an end too soon. You wonder if he could breakup with you after all the happy moments you both shared. Once you accept that it’s over, you have to start coping with your scattered emotions. Dealing with your scattered emotions and then summoning the courage to get him back is usually too enormous for most women to deal with. This is achievable if you are determined to be with the man you love again.

Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back If He Has A Girlfriend?

A lot of women believe that getting their ex boyfriend back is impossible once he has a new girlfriend. This is not true! The fact that he is dating someone else simply implies that he is attempting to recover from the breakup; however, he hasn’t been able to completely get over you. This is simply a rebound relationship, that is, a relationship entered immediately after a breakup with the aim to get over the breakup. More often than not, rebound relationship last for only a short period. Now, if he has a new girlfriend, you need to be nice and let him realize what he is missing. However, this doesn’t mean you should try to make him jealous. Letting him realize what he is missing simply implies that you should be extremely fun to be around with.

Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back By Making Him Jealous?

Although it’s possible to get him back by making him jealous, but it could boomerang if care is not taken. The moment he sees you with another man, he is going to believe that you have moved on with your life and so he will be forced to move on with his as well. Now, come to think of it, the guy you are using to get your ex boyfriend jealous might be hurt in the long run. However, if you use this technique correctly, it’s a powerful weapon to help you get your ex boyfriend back.

Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back By Trickery?

Despite the fact that this might seem like a good idea at first, however, nothing could destroy your chances of winning him back more than this. Trickery more often than not boomerangs at the end, because there is every possibility that he might find out. Using deception to win back your ex could hurt you in the future. If you are thinking of using this method to get him back, then you should really consider if you want him back or not.

If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, there is a POWERFUL technique you can use: Get Him Back Fast

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Can You Be Friends with Your Ex Boyfriend – Little Known Tips For Women!

Can You Be Friends with Your Ex Boyfriend – Little Known Tips For Women!

Those women who can’t take their mind off their ex completely often ask, “can you be friends with your ex boyfriend?” I understand that you still have strong feelings for your ex boyfriend and so you want to keep the lines of communication open. You feel that being friends with him will help you get him back. Perhaps, he gets in touch with you regularly and sometimes he acts as if he still wants to be with you. Now, it seems like being friends with him will help you to get him back in your arms, right? Think again.

If you are thinking about being friends with your ex boyfriend, you might end up like most women who have been used and hurt. The fact is that, the moment your ex starts seeing you as a friend, he is going to treat you as one. Now, don’t be surprise that he might start talking to you about other girls. Worst still, you might suddenly find him in a serious relationship with someone else. Meanwhile, you are hoping that the both of you will get back together some day.

Getting back together with your ex might be impossible if you are friends with him. This is because, he can always reach you at anytime and thus he won’t miss you. Your presence doesn’t mean anything to him. Making your ex miss you is very important if you want to win him back. So, you must give him space. The moment he realizes that you are doing well without him, he will be attracted to you again.

If your motive for being friends with your ex boyfriend is to get him back, you are going to simply be faking the friendship. Remember, he is not a fool, he will definitely sense your motive for being friends with him. This is definitely not right, since this will let him know that you can’t live without him. Often, your emotions will show him that you still have feeling for him. Guess what? He is going to feel pompous which might lead to the end of your relationship for good.

Also, being friends with your ex boyfriend can as well result in an unevenness of power between the two of you. Despite the fact that it might not be intentional, he could start seeing you a person who doesn’t want to leave his life, regardless of the maltreatment he gives to you. You are trying to force yourself back into the relationship. And you are expecting his call everyday as if you are the only thing he should think about. It’s wrong. The fact is that, he might not show this attitude, but this is what goes on in his mind.

Can you be friends with your ex boyfriend? Emphatically no! Even if he suggests that you both be friends, you don’t need to think twice, your simple answer should be NO!

If you are looking for a proven system to get the attention of your ex boyfriend, Click Here!

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