What to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back In Your Arms after a Painful Breakup

What to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back In Your Arms after a Painful Breakup

What to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend BackHave you been thoroughly considering what to say to get your ex girlfriend back? The fact is that, getting her back is easier than you think. However, men find it difficult to control their feelings. Women can easily detect the feelings of men from their face. More often than not, men allow their emotions take charge of them and so they eventually start pleading and begging their ex to reconcile with them. Well, this will do more harm than good because you are going to give her the impression that you are desperate and immature. This will definitely make her pull further away from you. Nevertheless, if you want to know things to tell your ex girlfriend to win her back, then continue reading.

One of the most important thing you can say to get your ex girlfriend back is tell her you are sorry. Apologizing to her will help a great deal; it doesn’t really matter if she was wrong. This is the wrong time to start blaming each other for the breakup. In fact, trying to let her know what she did wrong that eventually led to the breakup will do more harm than good to the relationship, and will definitely make her pull further away from you. So what you should do initially is to sincerely apologize for what you did wrong. However, that doesn’t mean you should begin pleading and begging her, just apologize once and that’s all. Simply say “I’m sorry” and nothing more than that.

One mistake a lot of men make in trying to reconcile with their ex is to tell her how much he loves her and can’t live without her. Avoid doing this at all cost. Rather, let her know that the breakup was the best decision for you two. Give her the impression that you are pleased with the idea. I know telling your ex that you agree with the breakup is easier said than done, but this is something you have to say to get your ex girlfriend back.

What she needs to know at the moment is to be sure she took the right decision by breaking up with you, despite the fact that you are finding it difficult to succumb. So if you make her believe she took the wrong decision, she is definitely going to pull further away from you, and probably end the relationship for good. If you allow things to deteriorate to this extent, then you might never be able to win her back.

She wants someone to reassure her that she had made the right decision. If you can’t be that person, she is going to go in search for the right person to cheer her up, and thereby diminishing your chances of getting back together.

Now Pay Close Attention to this – I probably shouldn’t reveal this to you, but I want to help because I was just like you not long ago. Take 2 minutes to check out the next page. You’ll discover stunning tactics on what to say to get your ex girlfriend back and to get her practically begging to want you back. These psychological tricks are extremely powerful when used right. I urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late… Click Here Now!

Psychological Tricks to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Just Wants To Be Friends

Psychological Tricks to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Just Wants To Be Friends

“How to get your ex girlfriend back when she just wants to be friends.” If you are asking this question now chance are that you’re in a tough spot. You still love her, you want to date her and she suggests that you both be friends. She says she’s doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore, but you are not happy about it. You still want the relationship and you’re growing tired of staying in the friend zone. How long is too long to continue being friends and is there anything you can do to persuade her to date you again. You can make her want to be in a relationship with you again. All you need are proven techniques to make her fall in love with you again.

Being friends with your ex girlfriend has its cons and pros.  One advantage of being friends with her is that it leaves the lines of communication open. You will still be able to get in touch with her often. This will give you a greater opportunity to reunite with her, for the reason that you don’t have to fabricate excuses to get in touch with her. Also, it will be much easier to get back together with her compare to when you both had stopped contact totally.

However, there are numerous disadvantages of being friends with your ex girlfriend. Being friends with her is going to keep you in the “friend zone” forever and you will never be able to get her back. The moment she succeeds in keeping you as a friend, you are going to remain just friends and nothing more. You hope of getting back together with her has been automatically cut short. Worst still, she might start dating other guys, after all the two of you are just friends. Imagine her kissing another guy in front of you, how will that make you feel? Perhaps you’re going to pretend that all is well, but you are dying inside. If she suggests that you both be friends, your simple answer should be “NO”.

So how do you get your ex girlfriend back when she just wants to be friends?

Simple! First you have to start with making yourself unavailable. Without doubt, you still want to get in touch with her often because you still have strong feelings for her. However, you have to make her realize that that you are not okay with being friends with her. She is never going to treat you like a boyfriend when you are always around her. This is because being readily available will kill all the sexual tension between both of you and she is never going to miss you. Don’t sit around hoping that she will change her mind and decide to date you again. Make the first move by making yourself unavailable; this means no calling, texting, emailing or any other form of contact. Just like the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”; you will never get her back until she starts missing you.

Next, you need to take her mind back to the love you both once shared when you first met. You need to rekindle the attraction in your relationship. You can do this by teasing her, flirting with her and driving her crazy. However, don’t go beyond that because you are now her ex and not her boyfriend. Make her realize what she is missing by being friends with her.

Bad mistake could do more harm than good to your relationship. For more insightful tips about how to win back your ex girlfriend and keep her for good, visit this informative site!

You don’t have to leave love to fate or chance. If you want to reunite with your ex, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture her heart forever.

Does My Ex Girlfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

Does My Ex Girlfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

Does my ex girlfriend still love me? If you’re asking this question now chances are that you still have strong feelings for your ex girlfriend and wondering if she is on the same page with you regarding getting back together. Is it possible to read a girls mind? Trust me, it’s easier said than done. However, there are specific signs shown by a girl that reveals that they are still into you. Let’s examine some certain signs that show that she still loves you.

First, you should never make the mistake of asking your ex girlfriend if she still loves you. You are always going to get “no” as an answer, even if she still has strong feelings for you. Here are 3 reasons why her reply might be no.

1. She might say no because of her pride, and she is not sure if you still have feelings for her.

2. Her lack of trust will prevent her from saying yes because she is afraid that you may hurt her again.

3. She might have it in mind to hurt you as well, the same way you inflicted pain on her.

It’s very important that you know exactly how your ex girlfriend feels about you before you attempt to bring up the issue of reuniting with her. I have designed some proven signs that indicate that she still loves you.

Physical Closeness

Generally, after a break there is bound to be no contact between both parties. However, if she still loves you, you will discover that she still gets in touch with you. Does she still call you occasionally even if it’s just a short phone call to know how you are doing? Does she still hang around in places that both of you used to and tend to show off when you are around? This shows that she is still into you.

Does She Enquire About You?

If she ask friends and family about you, then the answer to your question “does my ex girlfriend still love me?” is almost guaranteed to be “yes”. The fact that she still ask about you shows that she still cares. If she want to know your whereabouts and how you are doing, it’s obvious that she still thinks about you. It took a lot of courage on her path to swallow her pride to ask about you, when she obviously knows that your friends are aware of the breakup.

She is perhaps asking to test the waters to know if you haven’t begun dating another girl. This as well shows that she still loves you. she definitely knows that your friend are going to let you know she has been asking about you, even though her pride won’t allow her to call and ask you to reunite.


Another guaranteed sign that indicates that your ex girlfriend still loves you is if she hasn’t started dating another guy since the breakup. Her reason for not dating may be that she believes you two would get back together sooner or later.

However, if she has begun dating, don’t fret. It’s just a rebound relationship and fact shows that most rebound relationship always fails. She is just dating to get over the pain of the breakup and she probably doesn’t have strong feeling for that new guy. You don’t need to give up hope now, but you must be patient. Try to be friends with her. By the time the relationship eventually fails, she will definitely come back to where her heart lies and that is you. When that happens, you will be available to take her back.

She Talks About Happy Memories

Does your ex girlfriend talks about happy memories whenever you two meet? If she does this, then you can be guaranteed that she still love you. She probably talks about the happy memories you both shared in the past to make you realize what you are missing. This simply shows that she is not over you yet.

Note that you can’t judge using these signs if your breakup just occurred recently. You need to give her time to miss you. Just like the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder” she will never be attracted to you until she starts missing you.

If you still love your ex girlfriend and want her back, don’t do the common mistakes of calling back and begging her. This will simply do more harm than good to your relationship. Ensure you get a complete game plan to win her back.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit this Informative Site

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Click here to find out more.

Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back After Breakup and Make Her Love Me Again

Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back After Breakup and Make Her Love Me Again

“Can I get my ex girlfriend back?” It can be hard going through a breakup, but this doesn’t mean the end of the world. When breakup happens, you are left wondering if your girlfriend would ever come back to you. You still love her and thought you would spend the rest of your life with her, but here you are. You have probably attempted to get her back, but she seems to be pulling further away from you. Off course, it normal for her to be angry or hurt after all that happened, but she is really messing with your mind. Let’s analyze the steps to take to win back your ex.

First of all, you need to summon courage. One thing women dislikes are men who cry and beg for them to return. It simply lets them know that you are not confident. Letting her know that you are weak will simply do more harm than good to your relationship. Women love men who are confident about themselves.

Next, you need to figure out what led to the breakup initially. If the breakup was as a result of something you did wrong, you need to get in touch with her and apologize for what you did. Even more important is that, you must be sincere or else this step might boomerang. If you try to let her know that the breakup was her fault, this could result in argument between the both of you and thus could do more harm than good to your relationship. Just accept that you did something wrong and apologize, that is it!

After making an apology for what you did wrong, it’s time to give her space and time. This might be easier said than done, but it’s extremely important if you want to win her back. The fact is that, the both of you need some space and time to calm down. Not contacting her simply means no calling, texting or emailing. Just like the old saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, this is particularly true in this case. By giving her space and time, she will realize how important you are in her life.

Now, after giving her enough space to miss you for at least three weeks, you can then invite her for a friend type outing. This outing might be just to take a cup of coffee. Don’t tell her it’s a date; just let her know it’s an outing. You want to appear as though you are not longing to see her. When she eventually shows up, ensure you don’t discuss about the breakup or sex. Discuss about interesting events that has occurred and make her happy. She will soon begin seeing the good aspect of you and will start regretting why she left you in the first place.

Now listen carefully-

What you are about to discover is something most guys will never know when it comes to winning back their ex girlfriend. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make your ex girlfriend come crawling and begging you to take her back! …..Trust me….You don’t want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read- Click Here.