What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back and Make Him Love You Again

What to Say to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back and Make Him Love You Again

What to say to get your ex boyfriend back? If you’re asking this question now chances are that you want to get back together with him. There are specific things to say to win him back. The moment most women realize that there are specific things to say to win back their ex, they wrongly conclude concerning what those words are. Perhaps you may think that telling him that it’s impossible for you to move on without him or that he would always be a most special person in your life will help you get him back. Saying this could do more harm than good to your relationship. You must understand that men view breakup differently from women. So what do you say to get your ex boyfriend back? Continue reading to find out.

The first thing to say to get your ex boyfriend back is “I’m sorry”. You may think it’s not necessary, but it’s. In fact, it’s the very first step you should take in order to get him back. Most women sit back and wait for their ex to apologize first. The fact is that the breakup was as a result of something both of you did wrong in the relationship, and the earlier you realize this, the better. Stop blaming him for what went wrong, but rather accept your mistakes and apologize. One of the reasons breakup happens is because none of the parties claim to be at fault. Telling him that you are sorry shows that you are mature and willing to do things right if given a second chance. However, don’t launch into a long and drawn out monologue, simply say “I’m sorry” and that is it.

Another thing to say to get your ex boyfriend back is to tell him that the breakup was a good idea. Tell him you are fine with the breakup and that you think you both need space. This seems impossible for you to do, right? This is because he is the one that doesn’t want you and you’re trying to make him change his decision. Pay attention now, if you continue acting needy and pushy, you may end up losing him for good. What you must understand is that men view relationship differently from women. The fact is that men always want what they can’t get, and so telling him that you are fine with the breakup makes you a challenge and definitely irresistible. This is the reason you must be courageous to tell him that you’re fine with the breakup. Don’t cry when you are telling him but rather smile. Give him space for sometime after telling him this. It won’t be long before he would come crawling back to you to take him back because he has now found you irresistible since you no longer want him.

Now listen carefully-

What you are about to discover is something most women will never know when it comes to winning back their ex boyfriend. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every woman out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make your ex boyfriend come crawling and begging you to take him back! …..Trust me….You don’t want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read- Click Here.

Does My Ex Boyfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

Does My Ex Boyfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

“Does my ex boyfriend still love me?” This question really bothers you, doesn’t it? You still love him, he means the world to you and you aren’t sure if he is on the same page as you are regarding getting back together. The worst mistake you could ever make is to conclude wrongly that he still loves you when he doesn’t. There are actually some signs your ex boyfriend still loves you that will give you a glimpse into how he feels about you.

Staying in Contact

One of the signs that your ex boyfriend still loves you is if he still stays in contact. If he has contacted you since the breakup, then this is a sure sign that he is not over you. It doesn’t matter if it was just a short phone call to know if you are okay; it still indicates that he still has feelings for you. The fact that he made contact with you implies that you still have a chance to get back together. It’s now left for you to make the next move.


Has your ex boyfriend been asking mutual friends about you? If he ask mutual friends about your whereabouts or how you are doing, you can be sure that the answer to your question “does my ex boyfriend still love me” is likely “yes”. The fact is that he won’t be interested in knowing how you are doing if he has moved. He is probably asking to know if you are dating someone else now, and to know if he still has a chance to get you back.


If your ex boyfriend hasn’t started dating yet, you can be sure that he is still finding it difficult to let you go. The fact that he hasn’t dated another girl since the breakup shows that he still loves you, and hoping that you both will reunite someday.

However, if he jumps into a new relationship immediately after the breakup, don’t worry. This is definitely a rebound relationship, and it has been proven that most rebound relationship fail. He is probably dating another girl in order to take his mind off the breakup. If he has started dating, you must be patient. Don’t make the mistake of begging and crying to him to take you back, this will simply do more harm than good to the situation.

Push and Pull

Does your ex boyfriend push you away and pull you closer after a while? If he pushes you away and pulls you closer in a short time, you can be convinced that the answer to your question “does my ex boyfriend still love me” is certainly “yes”. This may actually confuse you, but you shouldn’t let it weigh you down because it’s a good sign. This simply implies that he isn’t sure if he wants to reunite or not. The good sign is that he will definitely come back to you once he has given into his heart.

“Does my ex boyfriend still love me?” If he shows one or more of the signs above, you can be pretty certain that he still has strong feelings for you. However, the list is inexhaustible and these are only a few signs. The fact that your ex boyfriend shows one or more of these signs doesn’t automatically indicate that getting him back will be a walk in the park. There are certain issues that led to the breakup in the first place and until you deal with them, getting back together might be easier said than done.

Bad mistake could do more harm than good to your relationship. For more insightful tips about how to win back your ex boyfriend and keep him for good, visit this informative site!

You don’t have to leave love to fate or chance. If you want to reunite with your ex, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Click here to find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

How to Make Your Ex Jealous and Come Crawling Back to You

How to Make Your Ex Jealous and Come Crawling Back to You

How to Make Your Ex Jealous and Come Crawling Back to YouDo you want to make your ex jealous and come crawling back to you but you don’t know how? Well, you are in luck because I’m going to reveal some psychological tricks that will help you to rekindle the spark in your relationship. These are proven and tested tactics that works every single time. Read this article to the end to discover some stunting trick to make your ex beg and plead for you back.

Although, jealousy is a powerful tool to get your ex to want you back, but you need to use this technique wisely. Bear in mind that making use of jealousy alone won’t automatically fix the problem that led to the breakup initially. The underground techniques you are about to discover will be of utmost help to you if your ex is reluctant to contact or get in touch with you. It will help to establish communication between the two of you again.

The first key to make your ex jealous is to accept your break up. You don’t want to begin crying and begging your ex to give you a second chance. Instead walk away, and give them the impression that the break up was a good idea. What your ex expects after the breakup is for you to be depressed and needy. So you ought to make them realize that you are doing well with or without them. Doing otherwise will show that you are immature and lack confidence. The fact is that being depressed and needy makes you less attractive, and will make your ex pull further away from you. Furthermore, acknowledging your break up will destroy the confidence of your ex boyfriend or girlfriend and make them have a rethink about their decision.

Another easy and effective way to make your ex jealous is to hang out with a group of friends. If you have been in a relationship with your ex for some time, then you should know certain places where he or she frequents (it could be a restaurant or even a club). Make arrangement to meet a group of friends or people there. Make sure the bunch of friends your ex lover sees you with includes some good looking people of the opposite sex. Don’t forget to dress gorgeously, they would find it difficult to resist you if your outfit is ideal. Then ensure that they see you with your friends, however, don’t make it obvious that you are trying to get their attention but do it subtly.

Also, giving your ex the impression that you have got a date without saying it openly is an effective way to make them jealous. In fact, letting your ex know indirectly that you have got a romantic engagement with somebody is one of the best way to make him or her jealous. An easy and effective way to do this is when you are having a conversation on the phone with them. If your ex asks you what your plans are that evening, tell them you are planning to have fun. He or she is likely to be eager for more information, but don’t press any further. Your aim is to keep your ex in suspense and make them wonder what your plans are and who you are having fun with.

If your ex still loves you, an effective way to win him or her back is by making them jealous. However, you must bear one important rule in mind in order to get them back in your arms. Ensure your ex never sees you out with someone else. If this does occur by chance, it can do more harm than good to your relationship. Nobody can stand the sight of someone they still love with someone else. Although jealousy can help you win your ex back but do it cautiously, so that it doesn’t boomerang.

How to make your ex jealous and come crawling back to you seems easier said than done, doesn’t it? I’m not going to kid you; it’s not an easy thing to do. Ever! But if you will promise to put in the effort required, there is a road map that I can show you that can lead you to the peace of mind you’re seeking. To uncover the recovery recipe and make your ex love you again, Click Here Now!

What to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back In Your Arms after a Painful Breakup

What to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back In Your Arms after a Painful Breakup

What to Say to Get Your Ex Girlfriend BackHave you been thoroughly considering what to say to get your ex girlfriend back? The fact is that, getting her back is easier than you think. However, men find it difficult to control their feelings. Women can easily detect the feelings of men from their face. More often than not, men allow their emotions take charge of them and so they eventually start pleading and begging their ex to reconcile with them. Well, this will do more harm than good because you are going to give her the impression that you are desperate and immature. This will definitely make her pull further away from you. Nevertheless, if you want to know things to tell your ex girlfriend to win her back, then continue reading.

One of the most important thing you can say to get your ex girlfriend back is tell her you are sorry. Apologizing to her will help a great deal; it doesn’t really matter if she was wrong. This is the wrong time to start blaming each other for the breakup. In fact, trying to let her know what she did wrong that eventually led to the breakup will do more harm than good to the relationship, and will definitely make her pull further away from you. So what you should do initially is to sincerely apologize for what you did wrong. However, that doesn’t mean you should begin pleading and begging her, just apologize once and that’s all. Simply say “I’m sorry” and nothing more than that.

One mistake a lot of men make in trying to reconcile with their ex is to tell her how much he loves her and can’t live without her. Avoid doing this at all cost. Rather, let her know that the breakup was the best decision for you two. Give her the impression that you are pleased with the idea. I know telling your ex that you agree with the breakup is easier said than done, but this is something you have to say to get your ex girlfriend back.

What she needs to know at the moment is to be sure she took the right decision by breaking up with you, despite the fact that you are finding it difficult to succumb. So if you make her believe she took the wrong decision, she is definitely going to pull further away from you, and probably end the relationship for good. If you allow things to deteriorate to this extent, then you might never be able to win her back.

She wants someone to reassure her that she had made the right decision. If you can’t be that person, she is going to go in search for the right person to cheer her up, and thereby diminishing your chances of getting back together.

Now Pay Close Attention to this – I probably shouldn’t reveal this to you, but I want to help because I was just like you not long ago. Take 2 minutes to check out the next page. You’ll discover stunning tactics on what to say to get your ex girlfriend back and to get her practically begging to want you back. These psychological tricks are extremely powerful when used right. I urge you to read everything on the next page before it’s too late… Click Here Now!

Psychological Tricks to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Just Wants To Be Friends

Psychological Tricks to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Just Wants To Be Friends

“How to get your ex girlfriend back when she just wants to be friends.” If you are asking this question now chance are that you’re in a tough spot. You still love her, you want to date her and she suggests that you both be friends. She says she’s doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore, but you are not happy about it. You still want the relationship and you’re growing tired of staying in the friend zone. How long is too long to continue being friends and is there anything you can do to persuade her to date you again. You can make her want to be in a relationship with you again. All you need are proven techniques to make her fall in love with you again.

Being friends with your ex girlfriend has its cons and pros.  One advantage of being friends with her is that it leaves the lines of communication open. You will still be able to get in touch with her often. This will give you a greater opportunity to reunite with her, for the reason that you don’t have to fabricate excuses to get in touch with her. Also, it will be much easier to get back together with her compare to when you both had stopped contact totally.

However, there are numerous disadvantages of being friends with your ex girlfriend. Being friends with her is going to keep you in the “friend zone” forever and you will never be able to get her back. The moment she succeeds in keeping you as a friend, you are going to remain just friends and nothing more. You hope of getting back together with her has been automatically cut short. Worst still, she might start dating other guys, after all the two of you are just friends. Imagine her kissing another guy in front of you, how will that make you feel? Perhaps you’re going to pretend that all is well, but you are dying inside. If she suggests that you both be friends, your simple answer should be “NO”.

So how do you get your ex girlfriend back when she just wants to be friends?

Simple! First you have to start with making yourself unavailable. Without doubt, you still want to get in touch with her often because you still have strong feelings for her. However, you have to make her realize that that you are not okay with being friends with her. She is never going to treat you like a boyfriend when you are always around her. This is because being readily available will kill all the sexual tension between both of you and she is never going to miss you. Don’t sit around hoping that she will change her mind and decide to date you again. Make the first move by making yourself unavailable; this means no calling, texting, emailing or any other form of contact. Just like the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”; you will never get her back until she starts missing you.

Next, you need to take her mind back to the love you both once shared when you first met. You need to rekindle the attraction in your relationship. You can do this by teasing her, flirting with her and driving her crazy. However, don’t go beyond that because you are now her ex and not her boyfriend. Make her realize what she is missing by being friends with her.

Bad mistake could do more harm than good to your relationship. For more insightful tips about how to win back your ex girlfriend and keep her for good, visit this informative site!

You don’t have to leave love to fate or chance. If you want to reunite with your ex, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture her heart forever.

How to Get Your Ex Back and Make Him or Her Beg You to Take Them Back

How to Get Your Ex Back and Make Him or Her Beg You to Take Them Back

How to Get Your Ex BackYou probably never saw it coming, and out of the blue your lover decided to breakup with you. However, you still have feelings for them and want to know how to get your ex back. We all have gone through a breakup in our relationships at certain times in our live, so you are not alone. You feel deeply hurt and believe it’s impossible to get them back. You want your ex to give you a second chance, but it seems it’s never going to happen. Now you feel depressed, sad and hopeless without your boyfriend or girlfriend. All that is uncalled for, because there are proven and tested techniques to get your ex to come crawling back to you and begging you to take them back. Believe it or not, you can get your lover back in your arms sooner than you imagine with very easy to follow clear-cut method.

The first step to take when trying to get your ex back is to figure out exactly what led to the breakup. The truth is that, it might be difficult to salvage a broken relationship if you don’t know exactly what went wrong initially. A lot of things lead to a breakup, so your primary assignment is to find out what ended your relationship. What you must know is that, you can still make your ex love you again regardless of what caused the breakup. Let’s face it, even ex-convict get a second chance with their lover. So there is no reason you won’t be able to win him or her back. When trying to figure out what went wrong in the relationship, try to view your relationship from an outsider’s point of view, so that you don’t conclude wrongly on what made your ex breakup with you.

Next, you need to give them space. I’m serious. You must minimize all contact with your ex if you want to get any chance of getting back together with them. I know this is easier said than done, but it’s the most important step on how to get your ex back. Giving your ex space simply implies no calling, emailing, texting or any other form of contact. You don’t want to start calling and texting them frequently after a breakup and get involved in what I call text message terrorism, this will make you appear clingy. You will become less attractive to your ex when you act needy. Giving your ex space will enable him or her to reconsider the breakup. Like the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” your ex will begin to realize how important you are to them.

Now, it’s time to get out. You don’t want to be alone at this time, hang out with your old friends. You need to start having fun. This doesn’t mean you have to date; it simply implies that you need to occupy yourself and enjoy your life to the fullest rather than crying all day wishing they would come back. The bottom line is you can only attract people to your life by being happy, and this is the key to get your ex back. So, ensure you are in a happy mode at all times.

Finally, the amount of work you put into yourself is one of the most important step on how to get your ex back. There was something that attracted your ex to you in the first place; try to remember what pulled them to you initially, and then find out what has changed. Your relationship may have become so boring that you forgot what ignited the spark between you two and made you both compatible. You have to get to work and make the necessary changes to attract your ex back in your life again. Strive to bring out those qualities that made you unique and your ex will come crawling back to you in no time.

Making a critical mistake in your relationship can damage it forever. If you’ve done anything that has caused your lover to pull back, there is a way for you to get your ex back now.
Learn how to erase just about any mistake with your ex and make them fall in love with you again by clicking here.

Is Having Sex with Your Ex Boyfriend Going to Help You Win Him Back

Is Having Sex with Your Ex Boyfriend Going to Help You Win Him Back

“Should you have sex with your ex boyfriend?” If you are asking this question, chances are that you think that by having sex with him you will be able to rekindle his love for you again. However, you must reconsider you decision to avoid making a wrong move. Once women have sex with their ex, they normally feel that they are back together with their ex; however this isn’t the case for men. You must understand that men think differently when it comes to relationship. Is having sex with your ex going to help you win him back? Continue reading to find out.

First, it’s important to note that men value what is rare. In other words, the things that men work for are the only things that are important to them. This simply means that a man will commit to a woman he feels is rare. Therefore, if you make yourself special, valuable and rare, your ex will become committed to you. That is why you must not sleep with him until you both have reunited. This doesn’t mean you have to “pressure” him to reunite. The idea of getting back together must be his. At the same time, you must avoid having sex with him.

Secondly, not having sex with your ex boyfriend will help to occupy more of his “mind space.” He is going to be mindful of you. Even more important is the fact that, it’s going to make him want to work to sleep with you, and thus making him commit to you. Therefore, the longer you abstain from having sex with him, the more he will long to sleep with you and thus making him commit.

In addition, choosing not to have sex with your ex boyfriend will increase respect for you. Your ex is never going to respect you if you sleep with him. In fact, you will never be able to win him back if you do this. He is going to think that you both are having pleasure and nothing more than that. Don’t be surprised if he introduces someone else to you as his girlfriend someday. After all, you are not his girlfriend but just friends with benefit.

Also, not having sex with your ex boyfriend will make the process of reconciliation faster. As far as I know, getting your ex back after sex may be impossible. Why is that so? Won’t love making help to rekindle his love for you again? Well, sex is a wrong foundation for building love upon. In fact, he is going to lose interest in you. However, if you do not give in to sex, this will keep his desire for you piqued. When this happens, reconciliation becomes faster.

However, in a situation whereby things are going on well between the two of you and you’re refusing to have sex with him, he will ask you why? You do not want to tell him that you’re “holding out for reconciliation,” but rather you should let him know that “You don’t indulge in casual sex anymore.”

After all has been said, it is evident that having sex with your ex will ruin your chances of getting back together with him. Therefore, you must never have sex with your ex no matter how much you still love him and want him back.

Bad mistake could do more harm than good to your relationship. For more insightful tips about how to win back your ex boyfriend and keep him for good, visit this informative site!

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex boyfriend back in your arms, especially if you are the only one trying… Click here to find out more.

Proven and Effective Ways to Make Your Ex Fall in Love With You Again

Proven and Effective Ways to Make Your Ex Fall in Love With You Again

“How to make your ex fall in love with you again?” If you are asking this question, probability is that you are in search of ways to rekindle the love in your relationship. Normally, after a breakup, you still have lingering emotions for your ex. There will be moment when you are going to miss him or her like crazy and wish you both were still together. Making your ex fall in love with you again is not as complicated as you think. If you know the psychological hot buttons to push in your ex, then getting them back is as easy as 1, 2, 3. The fact is that your ex still loves you even if the breakup occurred long ago or you both don’t talk often. Now, let’s talk about some stunting psychological trick to make your ex fall in love with you again.

Take Some Time Off

You need to give your ex space and time to make him or her fall in love with you again. I know this is easier said than done especially if you still have strong feelings for them, and you may be thinking that they might start dating someone else; however, this is something you must do if you want your ex back. At the moment the two of you are upset, so it’s best take some time off to allow things cool down. Not only does your ex need this time, you as well need it. Staying away from your ex helps you to get rid of the feeling of panic and enables you to think clearly as well as strategically. You may have heard of the old saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Therefore, your ex needs time to miss you for them to want you back. They are never going to miss you if you are always pestering them. If they don’t miss you, then it’s absolutely impossible to make your ex fall in love with you again.

Taking Care of Yourself Physically

It’s very important that you take care of yourself physically and stop being weighed down by the breakup. More often than not, immediately after a breakup most people are not bothered about their physically appearance, they say to themselves, “why should I be concerned about how I look when the person that means the world to me has decided to call it a quit in the relationship.” If this describes you, then you must change your mentality. The truth is that nobody wants to be around someone that is depressed and sad. If you love yourself, you will attract people towards you and this includes your ex as well. Do whatever it takes to look good and this include: getting your body in shape, getting a new hairdo, getting some new wears etc.

Be Confident

This is a very important step to make your ex fall in love with you again. You don’t want to appear miserable and downtrodden. Instead, do everything possible to appear healthy, happy and glowing. Being confident shows your ex that you are doing well and enjoying life without them. What your ex expects is for you to be miserable and downtrodden, and when they see that you are happy and doing well, they will begin to wonder. This curiosity to know what you are up to is what will attract them back to you again.

Take Action

Come to think of it, your ex probably fell in love with you initially because of something unique about you. Therefore, you need to become that person your ex initially fell in love with. Your ex probably left you because you stopped being that person they fell in love with at the beginning, so you must take action and start doing things the right way. When they see that you are making effort to fix things, this will make your ex fall in love with you again.

The Move to Avoid

Using jealousy as a tool to make your ex fall in love with you again is something you must absolutely avoid. You may be thinking of starting a new relationship with the intention to get the attention of your ex and to make him or her jealous. This is definitely going to boomerang because your ex will think that you have started dating and decide to move on.

Making your ex fall in love with you again will not happen overnight. You need to give your ex some time, and don’t even try to use jealousy as a tool.

How would you like to discover a mind blowing secret that will allow you to win back your ex regardless of what led to the breakup? Don’t do anything else until you read each and every word on the next page first. Follow this link right now – Click Here

You don’t have to leave love to fate or chance. If you want to reunite with your ex, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture your ex’s heart forever.

Does My Ex Girlfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

Does My Ex Girlfriend Still Love Me and Want Me Back

Does my ex girlfriend still love me? If you’re asking this question now chances are that you still have strong feelings for your ex girlfriend and wondering if she is on the same page with you regarding getting back together. Is it possible to read a girls mind? Trust me, it’s easier said than done. However, there are specific signs shown by a girl that reveals that they are still into you. Let’s examine some certain signs that show that she still loves you.

First, you should never make the mistake of asking your ex girlfriend if she still loves you. You are always going to get “no” as an answer, even if she still has strong feelings for you. Here are 3 reasons why her reply might be no.

1. She might say no because of her pride, and she is not sure if you still have feelings for her.

2. Her lack of trust will prevent her from saying yes because she is afraid that you may hurt her again.

3. She might have it in mind to hurt you as well, the same way you inflicted pain on her.

It’s very important that you know exactly how your ex girlfriend feels about you before you attempt to bring up the issue of reuniting with her. I have designed some proven signs that indicate that she still loves you.

Physical Closeness

Generally, after a break there is bound to be no contact between both parties. However, if she still loves you, you will discover that she still gets in touch with you. Does she still call you occasionally even if it’s just a short phone call to know how you are doing? Does she still hang around in places that both of you used to and tend to show off when you are around? This shows that she is still into you.

Does She Enquire About You?

If she ask friends and family about you, then the answer to your question “does my ex girlfriend still love me?” is almost guaranteed to be “yes”. The fact that she still ask about you shows that she still cares. If she want to know your whereabouts and how you are doing, it’s obvious that she still thinks about you. It took a lot of courage on her path to swallow her pride to ask about you, when she obviously knows that your friends are aware of the breakup.

She is perhaps asking to test the waters to know if you haven’t begun dating another girl. This as well shows that she still loves you. she definitely knows that your friend are going to let you know she has been asking about you, even though her pride won’t allow her to call and ask you to reunite.


Another guaranteed sign that indicates that your ex girlfriend still loves you is if she hasn’t started dating another guy since the breakup. Her reason for not dating may be that she believes you two would get back together sooner or later.

However, if she has begun dating, don’t fret. It’s just a rebound relationship and fact shows that most rebound relationship always fails. She is just dating to get over the pain of the breakup and she probably doesn’t have strong feeling for that new guy. You don’t need to give up hope now, but you must be patient. Try to be friends with her. By the time the relationship eventually fails, she will definitely come back to where her heart lies and that is you. When that happens, you will be available to take her back.

She Talks About Happy Memories

Does your ex girlfriend talks about happy memories whenever you two meet? If she does this, then you can be guaranteed that she still love you. She probably talks about the happy memories you both shared in the past to make you realize what you are missing. This simply shows that she is not over you yet.

Note that you can’t judge using these signs if your breakup just occurred recently. You need to give her time to miss you. Just like the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder” she will never be attracted to you until she starts missing you.

If you still love your ex girlfriend and want her back, don’t do the common mistakes of calling back and begging her. This will simply do more harm than good to your relationship. Ensure you get a complete game plan to win her back.

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit this Informative Site

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Click here to find out more.

The Key to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He Just Wants To Be Friends

The Key to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back When He Just Wants To Be Friends

So you want to get your ex boyfriend back when he just wants to be friends? You still have strong feelings for him and want to win him back, right? If he tells you that he is not interested in a love relationship anymore but wants to be friends, you might want to turn him down at first. However, keeping him as friends will help you win back his heart. I understand that going from being his girlfriend to just friends is easier said than done, but it will help you win him back. You might feel that you will end up losing him for good, but it may not be so. Being friends with your ex boyfriend is a strategy to make him fall in love with you again.

Despite the fact that you might be able to get back your ex boyfriend by being his friend, you need to change your mindset towards the relationship. This is because the unforeseen is bound to happen. Most times, after a breakup, the man doesn’t want to have anything to do with the woman. However, being friends with him will keep the lines of communication open. You’ll be able to know his whereabouts and plans. Being friends with him will make you close to him even after the breakup and he will be free to share certain things that are happening in his life with you. You’re going to be like a trusted friend to him. This is going to give you an opportunity to know him better, and you will still be his most trusted friend when you both eventually reunite. True friendship is the basis for a lasting relationship.

The fact that he still wants to be friends with you show that he is not over you yet! So, you can capitalize on this, and work towards becoming his girlfriend again. However, his wanting to be friends with you might be for his own self-centered reasons. He might want to be friends with you so that you can feel better and not think of dating another guy. Therefore, you must take caution and avoid being too pestering. Don’t be always involved in his life, or else he is going to take you for granted. If he shares a problem with you, pay attention, but don’t render any solution. The last thing you want to do is to give him advice, because he might end up blaming you if it goes wrong.

Another way to get your ex boyfriend back when he just wants to be friends is to avoid saying negative things about his dating status. If he tells you about a new found love he recently met, don’t be weighed down but rather wish him the best. Also, if he tells you about a relationship that didn’t work don’t appear excited and try to go over to console him. Simply pay attention and  ensure you don’t react to it.

Mean while, trying to get your ex boyfriend back when he just wants to be friends is easier said than done. You’re going to be hoping for the day he will change his mind and decide to take you back as his girlfriend. This requires so much patient and courage on your part; however, if he means the world to you, it’s definitely worth it.

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